News Update

08 DEC 2020
Our Team submit 2 Online Challenge organize by REC Foundation. This is our sixth year joining this competition. Please go to the link below to VOTE for us and support us. You may click the photo below.
Team 7984A
VEX Robotics Competition Team Website Challenge Sponsored by Dell
"Thinking Outside The Box" Photography Challenge
Sharing Your Happiness Can Bring More Supportive
Team 7984B
VRC Promote Award Online Video Challenge
The End of an Era - CMAA Farewell Video
"Thinking Outside The Box" Photography Challenge
Our Milestones
30 NOV 2020
RTHK .HK invite our team going to a podcast called 新人類、大世界. It aims to share and promote the STEM experience in different primary or secondary school.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot record our podcast in the actual studio in RTHK. Therefore, we use ZOOM to finish the interview though online.
We have MS YEUNG (a former member and current Team Supervisor of CMAss Robotics Team), Candy LEE, Terry AU and MR CHEUNG (Team Supervisor and the founder of CMAss Robotics Team.

26 APR 2020
As the end of the Fantasy Robotics Tournament, our alumni TEAM CMAA won a Virtual Worlds Skill - second runner-up and Finalist of Design Division.
Although we still cannot play our match in Freedom Hall. This is a recognition of our effort in this season. It means a lot to all of us.
17 MAR 2020

The Robotics Education & Competition (REC) Foundation hosted the VEX Robotics Virtual World Celebration and the first-ever Fantasy Robotics Tournament on Saturday, April 25 to honor its large global community of students, coaches and volunteers. More than 2300 teams from around the world virtually competed in the simulated Fantasy Robotics Tournament for the VEX Robotics Competition Tower Takeover and VEX IQ Challenge Squared Away seasons. Teams saw updates of the simulation results throughout the Celebration while waiting to see who would be unveiled as the world champions, while also celebrating the season’s highlights, Online Challenges winners, Inspiration All Star winners, and the 2020-21 games.
Fantasy Robotics Tournament
Using past match results of all 2020 VEX Worlds Qualified teams, the VEX IQ Challenge Squared Away and VEX Robotics Competition Tower Takeover World Championships were simulated for the Fantasy Robotics Tournament. This tournament was just for FUN and was meant to celebrate the 2019-2020 season! All teams that qualified for the 2020 VEX Robotics World Championship were included in the simulated Fantasy Robotics Tournament with the winners of the tournament recognized during our VEX Virtual Worlds Celebration.
05 MAR 2020
In 2020, Team 7984 is the fifth time to attend Online Challenges hosted by REC Foundation. At the end of the challenge, we are one of 22 finalists of VRC Promote Award Online Challenge and 25 finalists of Robotics Team Website Challenge Sponsored by Dell. Thank you for your supporting.
A Journey in
ASIJ VEX Robotics Challenge 2019
- FROM 7984A -